• Innovative full service incubator and accelerator model focuses on leveraging cash flow and invested capital
  • Intense focus on revenue generation and project survival
  • Smart aggregation of non-dilutive capital mechanisms
  • Focus on undervalued Intellectual Property(IP) and expertise
  • Evergreen Fund II size: ~$45MM
  • Fund III size: ~$305MM
  • Veteran management team and advisory board
  • Deep and longstanding contacts in the scientific and the government communities

VFCFAR has arranged and has participated in projects worth over $350MM in the field of advanced research. VFCFAR operates a number of incubator and accelerator locations focused on advanced research and identifying, developing and bringing to market revolutionary technologies that can transform their industries while offering substantial profit opportunities to its investors.

VFCFAR also operates a virtual platform for selected researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs to participate in collaborative research, development and commercialization.

VFCFAR is currently focused on making investments into advanced research projects, from its second evergreen venture fund.

Over the years, VFCFAR has developed relationships with some of the largest academic, government, corporate and NGO research organizations and laboratories in the world, and has access to a vast array of intellectual property, research and innovative projects. VFCFAR has developed proprietary processes and tools to evaluate all of the technology, intellectual property and ideas it comes across, utilizing artificial intelligence and cross referencing each project with all the other projects in its database, working on identifying innovative new ideas and combinations that can revolutionize large markets or can become significant commercial catalysts for change.

At the same time, VFCFAR has built a database of nearly 150 thousand independent researchers, scientists, inventors, innovators, entrepreneurs and business experts both in the USA and abroad that assist us in developing our portfolio companies further and in taking them to the next stage of development.